Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2EME Version of the Script: THE FLASH

A cabin sits alone in the middle of a forest. Looking through a window, past laundry hanging on a line, a plump middle aged man with a large head can be seen busily packing a camera bag full of lenses and film. Animal noises can be heard coming from outside. They appear to be calling to him. He briefly looks into a full length mirror before stepping into the quickly approaching night. Pulling out his camera, he takes a photograph of himself in the mirror. When he does so, the flash illuminates him and his house in a way that makes everything become the opposite of what it is. The colors shapes and textures are for that one instant the opposite of the colors shapes and textures they were a second before. Even the man is the opposite of himself; he becomes a skeleton. After the photo is snapped, he pauses looks at himself again, now returned to his normal state. He then rushes out the door into the night.
Outside, the night is alive. Sounds of birds, hoots of owls,  and howls of wolves can be heard, along with the rushing of wind through the trees.  The man runs through the trees, snapping photos of all the animals he sees. Everytime he clicks a photo the same effect happens with the animals as happened to him in the cabin. The night becomes day and the animal becomes a sequence of day running into night, on each flash night becomes day; flat becomes three dimensional and dark becomes light.  He keeps snapping and the snapping becomes rhythmic, and the strobing images flashing start to form a sequence of images like in a film strip. The juxtaposition of what the man is doing and what he is seeing through the camera lense at the moment of the flash becomes like two sequences of images playing together at the same time. Soon the images of the animals as seen through the flash become the dominant sequence, and the camera follows a fox in the day time running through a field, into a forest, and finally to a cabin. He scratches on the door to the cabin, opening the door and going inside. He sees photographs hanging on a laundry line. They are of running animals in the forrest, then they are of the man running, then there is one of the camera. Then the fox jumps on a bed and licks the skull of a pile of bones. The end. 

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