Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just to try 2...

Don't cry Nicole


  1. agnon you are the best.

    Barack Obama.
    (president of the USA)

  2. I was wondering, what is the primary cause of death for the animals? If they are killed by hunters, the hunters would take them home to eat them. So does he get the picture right before they are whisked away to the hunters kitchen? Because also if they are killed because of other animals preying on them, then they would also get eaten probably- maybe the photographer has an uncanny ability to get to the scene immediately, which is an interesting I was just wondering, bullet holes, car tire tracks, smooshed by fallen trees, fighting with other animals.. are all of these acceptable causes of death or do we have a particular direction we are going with. (hi guys happy valentines day!!! ) xo nicole

  3. its really cool that B Obama is encouraging us with our development. he really is an excellent president.

  4. You are right Nicole, and we have to think about it! Maybe is he the one who kills animals? Ben and I have been working friday, and we will explain this to you as soon as we meet!
