Friday, March 27, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

dont hate me guys
yesterday was last day of work without you
im sorry!
here a little drawing to show that it would be nice to have a sophisticated place as we said, but still small, with a vertigo perspective to show how the character feels inside

Sunday, March 22, 2009

test avec un polaroid

Some drawings

Hey !
I think we should all post our drawings of the house, of the inside, of the character etc... so that anyone can see where we are heading. It may also help to keep the style coherent.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


i know we should try to stop looking at things, but here is just a little kovalyov sweetness ...
I think that now that we have a story, we should find a way to tell it, something more than only "here are the facts" . I think we could go into a strange way, maybe like this one... i really like the editing btw, what do you think ?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ref 2

House in the forest reference

Just to try to get a little away from the too much hunter like shack...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2EME Version of the Script: THE FLASH

A cabin sits alone in the middle of a forest. Looking through a window, past laundry hanging on a line, a plump middle aged man with a large head can be seen busily packing a camera bag full of lenses and film. Animal noises can be heard coming from outside. They appear to be calling to him. He briefly looks into a full length mirror before stepping into the quickly approaching night. Pulling out his camera, he takes a photograph of himself in the mirror. When he does so, the flash illuminates him and his house in a way that makes everything become the opposite of what it is. The colors shapes and textures are for that one instant the opposite of the colors shapes and textures they were a second before. Even the man is the opposite of himself; he becomes a skeleton. After the photo is snapped, he pauses looks at himself again, now returned to his normal state. He then rushes out the door into the night.
Outside, the night is alive. Sounds of birds, hoots of owls,  and howls of wolves can be heard, along with the rushing of wind through the trees.  The man runs through the trees, snapping photos of all the animals he sees. Everytime he clicks a photo the same effect happens with the animals as happened to him in the cabin. The night becomes day and the animal becomes a sequence of day running into night, on each flash night becomes day; flat becomes three dimensional and dark becomes light.  He keeps snapping and the snapping becomes rhythmic, and the strobing images flashing start to form a sequence of images like in a film strip. The juxtaposition of what the man is doing and what he is seeing through the camera lense at the moment of the flash becomes like two sequences of images playing together at the same time. Soon the images of the animals as seen through the flash become the dominant sequence, and the camera follows a fox in the day time running through a field, into a forest, and finally to a cabin. He scratches on the door to the cabin, opening the door and going inside. He sees photographs hanging on a laundry line. They are of running animals in the forrest, then they are of the man running, then there is one of the camera. Then the fox jumps on a bed and licks the skull of a pile of bones. The end. 


The Man in the Woods


A middle aged plump man sits alone in a cabin filled with furniture covered in photographs. He is attempting to mend a hole in his shoe. He takes a polaroid photo of his other shoe and tapes it onto the broken one. Outside the rain is pouring. A leak starts in his livingroom. He quickly takes a picture of a good section of his ceiling with his polaroid camera. The water rushes over him as he stands on a chair to reach up to cover the leak. The moment he tapes the photo over the leak the water stops, but a leg of the chair he is standing on breaks and he falls to the ground, breaking one of his own limbs. 
When he lifts the leg it bends unnaturally, and he winces in pain.
Immediately he takes a picture of his good leg and tapes it onto his broken leg.
He also takes a picture of an attached chair leg and tries to tape it onto the broken chair leg.
He attempts to get up, and sit on the chair, but the chair falls over and he falls with it onto the floor. He tries to take another photo but his camera is out of film. He lays there for a moment, unsure of what to do next. He crawls over to a heap of photographs, and begins searching frantically through them for pictures of chair legs. He finally finds one and tapes it very securely on the chair. He then tries to get up and cannot because of his broken leg. He looks through the heaps of pictures for photos of legs. He makes several attempts to get these pictures to fix his broken leg and all of these fail. 
He crawls here and there to fnd more photos, in vain. At some point, tired, he stops and leans on the wall.
By staying still for a moment, he feels free from the pain. From the angle he has managed to get to he can see behind the photographs on his furniture. Suddenly his world does not look right to him.  All the furniture he fixed looks wrong somehow.
He then crawls around to find the perfect spot from which to see his things, one in which everything seems to be repaired. At last he finds it, and decides he will not move again.

TX effect

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

those pics are from the shoot before- just wanted to show them to you-

look at puppet in natural environment compared with artificial environment.
I really like the shots where you animate the shadows of the trees on your wall.
I will translate the story and cant wait to see you guys tomorrow!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

steve buscemi

heads-insane eyes characters, kind , sweet but disturbed

Feuille de route

here is a road map for our project ! (high def for print)
See you all monday !

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Important Website To watch

Lots of stuff on puppet making.
One thing i like, the weight of the puppet is supported by an exterior rig, and no weight on the feet.
That could be awesome no? there is only a little bit more compositing, but it is really simple one, and we are 4 so...
What do you think ?


Friday, March 6, 2009


Nouvelle direction apres brainstormainge du 6 mars :

Sur le haut du dessin joint, un petit croquis de situation:
Notre personnage vit dans une cabane, situé dans une clairière entourée d'autoroutes !
Le film serait le portrait d'une journée de notre protagoniste. Homme d'age mur, fin mélomane, il mène une existence tranquille.
Cependant, pour nous spectateur, le bruit alentour nous sembles assourdissant ! Notre héros ne se rend plus meme compte du bruit alentour, donnant lieu à une succession de situation absurde et drolatique.
( mots : bruit/harmonique ordre/desordre )
Il faut garder a l'esprit le temps court du film, et cette ébauche de scénario ne prétend pas avoir epuisé toutes les ressources proposées par la situation.
( il faut construire sur ce cadre, semblable "skizein" qui exploite un postulat absurde.)
Notre personnage devient ici quelqu'un d'une 50aine d'années, tout a fait normal. Il téléphone a son frere regulièrement, possède la télé etc. Il s'est installé ici après la construction des autoroutes, et vit paisiblement.

pour essayer de retracer le fil de la conversation :

La foret nous a paru intéressant par son bruit. Grouillante, la vie y est invisible, mais sonore. Notre personnage habitué a la foret, au silence, pourrait avoir dévellopé une sensibilité telle, que le simple bruit d'un arbre qui pousse l'assourdirait.
Pour eviter un film de type " un homme devient fou ds la foret ", nous sommes parti sur l'idée de l'autoroute environnante pour 2 raisons :
- La situation absurde est a exploiter. Le début de scénario proposé est loin d'être exhaustif. Nous pensons que cette situation a exploiter peut etre un bon declencheur de scénario.
-Le "conflit" se trouve matérialisé dans un élément extérieur. Plus classique, mais plus simple à manipuler.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Into the wild


kinkajou bidou bidou

ok watch from 0:30 to 01:00 listen to what the annoying woman voice says.